MONEY UP FOR GRABS: Demystifying the AIA Research Grant Application Process with Amanda May-Fitzgerald, AAS, RA™️

MONEY UP FOR GRABS: Demystifying the AIA Research Grant Application Process with Amanda May-Fitzgerald, AAS, RA™️


1) Identify AIA research grant application

2) Recognize research questions/priorities that reflect the mission of AIA

3) Describe the steps to submitting an AIA research grant application


1. Identify AIA research grant application

            a) Introductions of Mandy and Marnie -  3 minutes

            b) learning outcomes- 2 minutes with AIA logo (look for AIA’s slide deck for this)

            c) brief tour of the AIA website with highlights of AIA research page -10 minutes

2. Recognize research questions/priorities that reflect the mission of AIA

            a) look at the mission, vision, and goals of the AIA

            b) Standards of Practice ( highlighting research )

3. Describe the steps to submitting an AIA research grant application (Marian Reven Presenting)

Course Details

MONEY UP FOR GRABS: Demystifying the AIA Research Grant Application Process
MONEY UP FOR GRABS: Demystifying the AIA Research Grant Application Process
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